Club Features
Waypoints & Polygons
Course areas
Race management oriented map
Clubs with an active Club Subscription can add key details to their map for all those who join to see. These features include (Waypoint) standard chart based symbols such as Marker buoys, Beacons, Lighthouses, rocks as well as marks and way-points specific to club activities. In addition to this "Area" adds the ability for clubs to add course areas (circles) and completely free form shapes (Polygons) to build any shape required. The focus is not on replacing navigational charts, rather allowing details relevant to course setting and race management activities to be visible and available to those who need it.
Add Club Features are broken into 2 types, either Waypoint or Area based features examples include
Waypoint examples include - navigational marks, chart symbols, club based waypoint symbols.
Area examples include - Course area(s), or Polygons - channels, shoals, rocks, structures such as wharfs
Before you start, what you need to know:
Club features are exclusively available to clubs that have a Buoy Zone Club Subscription
Club features are visible to both those managing a course and joining a course.
You can only create Club Features for your “Profile Club”
Club features can be edited by either the user who created them or a Club Admin.
Any Club Feature can be selected as a “navigate to function” or can also be used when selecting a manual course location using the “select on map” option
101 - Club Features, where to start
To begin adding Club Features click through to “Manage a Course” from the main landing screen.
On the next screen (My Courses), at the top right select “Club Features” then tap the big Orange + Button to begin creating a new feature or select an existing one to edit it
When creating a new feature you will then be given the option to select from either a Waypoint or Area
When selecting the location of a feature it is possible to manually add a coordinate or view the map and scroll to the right location by tapping “Select on Map”
Note you may find it useful to toggle on the satellite view layer
There are options to deactivate features individually if not required, for example clubs may have specific regatta based Waypoints or Area based circles which are not always required.
101 - Club Features, Waypoints or Areas
When creating a new feature you will be given the option to select from either a Waypoint or Area. As a reminder these offer the following types of functionality
Area examples include - Course area(s), or Polygons - channels, shoals, rocks, structures such as wharfs
Waypoint examples include - navigational marks, chart symbols, club based waypoint symbols.
Creating a Feature
For a Circle based area
Select Circle option at the top
Tap "Draw Circle on Map"
On the map screen adjust the Circle Radius to size you require
Scroll on map where you would like the circle to be positioned and tap "Draw Circle"
Select Save at the top
Check you have added the details (Name, Description, Colour) and tap "Create" at the bottom of the screen
For a Polygon based area
Select Polygon option at the top
Tap "Draw Polygon on Map"
On the map screen first scroll to where area where you wish the Polygon to be positioned and then tap "Draw" at the top
Follow the instructions on screen to create the custom shape and location you require. Note - pinch to zoom the map in to get a more detailed view
Select Save at the top
Check you have added the details (Name, Description, Colour) and tap "Create" at the bottom of the screen
For a waypoint based area
Select Waypoint option at the top
Add the Description items
Select "Type" to choose between navigational chart Symbols, Circle, Triangle, Square & Hexagon
Locating the waypoint by either:
Locate by scrolling on map - remember it may be useful to toggle to satellite view to help
Enter coordinates if you have these
Tap "Create" at the bottom of the screen to create the waypoint feature
101 - Club Features, good to know items
The following items are common across Club Features and are good to know when getting set up.
Setting a club Feature Location - When selecting the location of a feature it is possible to manually add a coordinate or view the map and scroll to the right location by tapping “Select on Map”
Note you may find it useful to toggle on the satellite view layer
Active / Inactive Club Features - There are options to deactivate features individually if not required, for example clubs may have specific regatta based waypoints or Course Areas which are not always required to be visible
Select Club Features on the map - Wherever you are able select the location of an item EG Manual course location, Club Feature you have the option to click “select on map” and then select the location you’re looking for on the map. This in addition to the ability to add in both specific coordinates where these are known.
Note all Club Features are selectable - so for example if you have a mooring or regular course location saved as a Club Feature you can select this as the location of the start boat for the course.